Showing posts with label Bengkulu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bengkulu. Show all posts


Bengkulu Darurat Corona

Satu Pasien Corona Meninggal Dunia di Bengkulu


Best UMB Stand Second Bengkulu Expo

University of Muhammadiyah Bengkulu (UMB) won the best two stands category of Banking Institutions, State-Owned and Private at Bengkulu Expo in 2017 and Coast Pesisir Panjang Festival Bengkulu in the framework of Bengkulu Province Anniversary to 49 of 2017.

The Bengkulu Expo event is located at the Sport Center and lasts for five days starting from 16-20 November 2017.

"The assessment of the best stand was seen from the side of the arrangement and the diversity of products displayed. Alhamdulillah, UMB stand became one of the booths visited by many people of Bengkulu who came to Bengkulu Expo this event, "said Vice Rector Four, Fazrul Hamidi when encountered by guidelines in his office, Monday (20/11/2017).

Furthermore, he explained, UMB participation in Bengkulu Expo event aims to provide information about the campus and various creative exhibitions from students and lecturers.

Fazrul hopes that UMB participation in Bengkulu Expo event can give more information about UMB so that in 2018, more students will choose UMB as a place to continue their education.

"I hope the future of this event will be followed by more participants from all universities and educational institutions in Bengkulu. Hopefully next year UMB can participate again, "added Fazrul.

To note, the stand judged by the jury based on the design of the booth and the material presented on the stand. During the exhibition, the jurors visited each booth for assessment.


Cool, New Tourism Objects In North Bengkulu It's So The Selfie Spot Spotorth

North Bengkulu now has a new sights worth visiting for you. Located in Batu Raja Rejang Village, Hulu Palik Subdistrict, just 20 minutes from Argamakmur City. The beauty of this tourist spot is not less beautiful than other tourist attractions in the province of Bengkulu. If coming in the afternoon ahead of this tourist spot so place a photo of the present selfie young people.
Interestingly, the tourist spot that began to be visited was created by a group of young people who focus on the development of tourism object and incorporated in the tourism development team (Tipota), which is a caring organization in the development of North Bengkulu tourism.

"At first we were just traveling to Batu Raja Rejang Village, that's when I and my friends have the initiative to develop this place to be unique and well liked by many people," said Tipota Coordinator, Marihot Lamhot Hutapea.
Continue Marihot, for the construction of tourist spot done with self-help and savings Tipota members
"We also expect the attention of the government to make this tourist attraction more developed, especially the constraints is less good road access" he said.
From Argamakmur City you only need about 20 minutes to get to this tourist spot. Meanwhile, if you start a trip from the city of Bengkulu will take approximately 1 hour.

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Tempat Meeting yang Nyaman dan Strategis di Bengkulu

Tempat yang nyaman untuk membahas bisnis bisa anda dapatkan di hotel ini, lokasi juga dekat dengan wisata Pantai Panjang dan pusat belanja Bencoolen Mall. Selengkapnya 

Kampung Grage Bengkulu

pengunjung yang ingin berbelanja dapat terlebih dahulu menukarkan uangnya dengan kupon yang telah disediakan panitia di depan pintu masuk Kampung Grage. Selengkapnya 


Granat Di Komplek SPN Bukit Kaba

Belasan Petugas Gegana datang ke lokasi penemuan Granat aktif menggunakan 2 kendaraan khusus. Setiba di lokasi, salah satu petugas menggunakan pakaian khusus langsung mengevakuasi granat jenis Nanas yang sebelumnya diletakkan di halaman rumah warga ke dalam mobil khusus. Selanjutnya, granat dibawa ke komplek SPN Bukit Kaba untuk diledakkan.
“Kita sudah koordinasi dengan pigak spn. Granat ini masih aktif dan akan langsung diledakkan. Ini dilakukan untuk menghindari hal hal yang tidak diinginkan, ” ujar Kepala Derasemen A Pelopor Brimob Polda Bengkulu, Kompol Mada Ramadita SH. S. ik saat ditemui di lokasi.
Seperti dilansir sebelumnya, Warga kelurahan jalan baru kecamatan curup, selasa (26/10) sekitar pukul 16.00 WIB mendadak heboh.
Pasalnya, salah satu pekerja Pembersihan siring drainase jalan setempat dari dinas Pekerjaan Umum Rejang Lebong bernama Sahyanto (30) Warga Desa Pal Batu Kecamatan Selupu Rejang menemukan 1 unit Granat tangan jenis nanas yang masih aktif saat sedang membersihkan siring. Sontak, hal ini membuat warga panik.
Mujurnya, selang 15 menit kemudian, salah satu anggota brimob detasemen A Pelopor, Bripka Ali Imron tiba di lokasi dan langsung mengevakuasi granat tersebut ke dalan kardus dan diletakkan di halaman sebuah rumah warga setempat. (Ifan)

Dok. PB